

April 2020 onwards

My Role
UI/UX & Product designer


Tools used

Project & outcome

Here’s the TL;DR….
Amid the chaos of COVID19 and following on from my work on designing a self service insurance portal I decided to pursue my inspiration to design a travel app for the future.

This is an ongoing project of mine that is constantly evolving. It has given me great opportunities to understand and gather feedback from travellers in this “new age of travel” and really use my imagination to design an application where the sky if the limit! (sorry - I had to…)

This case study reflects VERSION 1 of the project - focussing solely on Policy Management, basic trip planning & travel safety.

A rough low fidelity working prototype for v1.0

What problems am I trying to solve?


Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Traveller security is more important than ever before. This is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and offer a Travel Companion app that can offer extra help and security as well as access to their policy for easy access and amendment.

Understanding the customer

To start, I wanted to understand how customers were feeling about travel now that COVID19 was having such impact on the world so I sent out a survey to existing customers

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Infographic to capture the “mood” towards travel at this time (one month into COVID19) - I was surprised at the level of positivity in their responses

I had 95 responses to my questionnaire. Here is a summary of other popular opinions:

75% will now only choose insurance that covers pandemics
46% will avoid certain countries, or overseas travel overall
17% will avoid either flying or cruises from now on

In the future, are there any tools or services you would like when travelling?

An app with better alert services
— Erin Hickey
A way to easily check restrictions and risky areas
— Anna
Apps to update as you travel if you need to modify your insurance/trip inclusions etc
— Jane
A travel app that collates everything (like tripit or the former Google trips) and also has your insurance, documents etc protected of course
— Suzanna Wallace
Health Stats for the destinations, contacts with local medical services already pre-arranged just in case.
— Anna Rezenbrink
A web site/app that can give information on the destination to check if it’s safe to travel there.
— Sharon
Easy to contact and chat to a person from the insurance
— Dana Coleman
An app that provides updates from the Australian government and other sources customised to your travel plan. The ability to make your travel more environmentally friendly.
— Nina Earl
tracking app, thermometer app
— Joyce Ferder

Feedback confirmed my assumption that safety and reassurance is what is at the forefront of travellers minds in wake of the pandemic.



Luke is based on Travel with Jane’s “loyal customer” persona that I identified via customer research
As an insurance savvy adventurer, safety, peace of mind and instant policy access is a high priority.

Finding solutions (some examples for this case study) - V1.0

Addressing a major pain point: User can modify their policy post-purchase using their saved payment method

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Low fidelity mockups - adding an endorsement

User also has the capability to add additional destinations, additional travellers and cancel their policy (providing within 14 day cooling off period)

Brainstorming travel safety features

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Policy FAQs
Offers an overview of resolutions and advice to handle common issues that occur whilst travelling

COVID-19 hub

Prepare for your trip hub

Prepare for your trip hub

The future of travel

This project will continue to be a work in progress as International travel resumes. The sky is the limit!

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